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Meet Abi.png

I have had a passion for organizing and decluttering for as long as I can remember. As a child, I would color coordinate markers, arrange my dolls from smallest to tallest, and was constantly repositioning my furniture to maximize function in my room. I was also guilty of continuously throwing out various family member's items, which I personally deemed no longer necessary. This came to a screeching halt when they found out who kept getting rid of their stuff. However, as adults, I am first on their speed dial when their homes and offices feel chaotic. Whether they have just moved, remodeled, had a big life change (marriage, divorce, new baby, empty nest, or retirement), or organization has simply been the last priority for too long, my friends, family, and clients all call me to bring calm into their [perceived] state of chaos.

I graduated with a Bachelors in Communication from Boise State University - where I gained skills that will help our interactions will feel familiar and safe. After getting a job at an African humanitarian nonprofit, based out of Meridian, ID, I saw firsthand what joy is available to people, regardless of their belongings. My dream to help people let go of items and get organized continued to grow until I started this company, Organized By Abi, in January 2017. I am here to serve the community and to serve you. 

For some humble bragging, I refer you to the reviews found throughout my site and this MSNBC article, which featured the journey to decluttering my own life and around what concepts I have built my company:

Organized by Abi is both licensed and insured.